Back in October I saw an advert on either Facebook or Instagram, can't remember which, for a Christmas Wool Show that was being held local to me in December with 85 stalls/Vendors. I immediately wanted to go, especially as it is specifically related to Wool and not just all kinds of crafts. I checked my husband's work roster and discovered that he would be working that weekend and it's not his thing anyway. He would probably take an interest and look at some stuff but he would get bored after a while so I asked my two kids if they wanted to go, both said yes, so I pre-booked the tickets and got them cheaper than "on the door on the day".
The event was held at The National Conference Centre, just outside of Birmingham, over the weekend of 14th and 15th December. We've been today, Saturday 14th December.
I had one thing in mind that I definitely wanted to look for and I told my kids that if they saw anything they wanted (within reason) that I would get it for them as part of their Christmas gifts because right now we haven't got them much because they've not really told us what they would like. I say kids but they are 21 years old and nearly 18 years old and both heavily into creating art and doing wool crafts, but not spinning.
The thing that I had in mind that I definitely wanted was a braid of Turquoise Merino fibre for a specific spinning project. I could have ordered this online from where I usually get most of my fibres from but because we were coming to this show I thought I'd wait and see. The first stall that we came to had exactly what I was looking for and so I bought a braid of Turquoise Merino. Any purchases after this were just kind of spur of the moment or "yeah, actually I could do with some of that".

As we were walking around we were chatting to some of the vendors a few small purchases were made with a couple of them for things like stitch markers that my kids wanted and a set of coloured metal crochet hooks so that I can teach my eldest to crochet at some point in 2025, my youngest already has some crochet skills and projects under their belt and they will continue to learn over time. My eldest also chose a skein of yarn that I paid for and then she saw some more yarns that she liked at another stall and insisted on getting those herself.
I did do some more shopping for myself though. I got a couple of braids of fibre from one vendor, which have turned out to be from World of Wool, as they do sell their products to other shops etc and they are Aurora Borealis by Sarah Jane and then Taurus from the Constellation range.
I also fell in love with some fibre art batts from Barn2YarnShop who put these together themselves. I don't usually buy my fibre in batts so this will be fairly new to me but I have bought one before, years and years ago. I will re-figure it out when I decide to spin it and open it all out. I bought 3 because I instantly fell in love with the first one, loved the second and the third but noticed that they could kind of represent Santa doing his deliveries - clean to start, getting a little mucky and then really dirty by the end of the night. Their names are Mrs Claus, Noel and New Year. I could easily have bought some of the other batts they had too cos they were just so beautiful.
(c) Barn2YarnShop |
(c) Barn2YarnShop |
(c) Barn2YarnShop |
What I might do with these 3 is to spin them so as to make yarns that could be used on one big project, almost like a long gradient type of thing, maybe even taking a little from each to make "linking yarns" to ease the transition from one to the next. It's just a thought at the moment as I haven't undone them to see how each might work up.
My final purchase of the day were two skeins of solid dyed Shetland from A Little Bit Sheepish and purchased purely because I loved the depth and shade of colour and I could do with some plain dyed wool in my stash that isn't Merino.
I really enjoyed my day out browsing, chatting and shopping. I might do it again one day.