Monday, 2 December 2024

Advent Calendar 2024 Day 2 - Zuzu's Petals

The second one is Zuzu's Petals.  This is to do with the old black and white film "A Wonderful Life", which I think I saw as a kid in the late 1970's/early 1980's and I actually went out of my way last year to watch this for the first time as an adult.  I don't think I need to write anything up as all the information can be found in the first photo and if you click on the photo you can zoom in if you need to.

I do like the designs on the little packets though.  Each one is different.  I think the designs on the packets might be loosely based on the character or the theme of the yarn as this one features flowers, although not roses.

I have undone the tightly wrapped little bundles and made them into braids to take any pressures off the fibres and also so that I can see the colours properly and feel the texture too.  Although this one is pink, which is definitely not my favourite colour, I do like this one, probably because it's not bright and gaudy like the hot pinks and Barbie girly girly pinks in the world.

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