Saturday 1 June 2019

Camping on the Isle of Wight - Part 3

On that same Thursday, after visiting the Alpacas we decided to go for a walk along the coast in the opposite direction to what we went last year.  It was definitely interesting. We passed lots of derelict buildings, or what was left of them, along the path, most of the rubble was down the cliff. We then came across an old looking holiday park that had lots of chalets and we didn't think we could go any further because the cliff path seemed to stop as it had eroded into the sea but then we spotted a sign that said we could walk through the holiday park and continue on the cliff path.

The holiday park had a few people milling around, clearly staying in some of the chalets that were further inland and in good condition but many of the chalets were in a state of disrepair with dirty and broken windows, old mattresses and furniture inside and right up on the cliff edge.  It was really sad because you could see what it would have been like in its hey-day but now it had come to the end of its life.  I didn't take any photos because I felt like it was wrong and would be prying.

Some photos of the coast and the sea from the last few days, its been pretty rough.
A bit further along the coastal path it came to an end and there were steps down to the beach so that is where we went as the tide was out and was not due back in for a while.  We are so glad we did because it was so beautiful and interesting.  Dark brown sand, which I have never seen in my life, sea foam, caves, all colours of rocks and we made our way back to the camp site along the beach. 

The last photo on the left hand side is looking directly down at the sand.  Strange but very interesting!

The first three photos in this next set are close ups of the rock and the amazing colours.

I found a couple of interesting rocks and a shell on our walk.

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